Sunday, June 7, 2009

WYOMING Spa Treatment

Sally and her crew were here this weekend. We had a great time and the kids never run out of things to do when they are here. We went out to check on them and found this. We discussed whether or not to make them get out and decided it was just mud and it will wash. After a good 20 minutes of "bathing" in it, Ella runs up and says "Mom I got mud on me" she was crying and totally shocked that she was covered in mud it was hilarious. The other kids had to be drug out when they started to shiver and turn blue. We got them all showered and the only thing that suffered was the shower with a 1 in layer of mud.....

Of course because he is the smallest he got the worst of it and didn't mind at all.

This morning before Sally and Luke left Chey made pancakes for us all. I didn't get the camera until after my kids finished but here are the pics I did get.

Thanks Sall, Luke and family we had a great time.


The Zieglers said...

That looks like fun!! I saw sister Sally at obo's on Friday! How fun that you got to spend the weekend togather!

moller99 said...

Isn't family the best? I am glad you got to have some fun sister time!