Sunday, March 1, 2009

My week in review

I am trying to be better at kind of using this as a journal. Here is your warning this is personal info mostly meant for me and my posterity. You have been warned read on at your own risk.

So the week started with Justin running a fever. I thought we were finally all better and then he woke up monday morning not feeling well. he ran a fever for the day and into the night but woke up the next morning without it. I do not do very well with sickness and when I think I am at a point where I can't handle anymore I often turn to the Savior. It took me a really long time to understand that we had to have trials to learn and I think I am finally understanding the concept. I would not go so far as to say I appreciate my trials but I guess I will get there at some point (maybe). Anyway so Cheyenne and I are teaching this Sunday School class and it has forced me to do way more studying and pondering than I usually do. I have always been told that you can only skate around on someone elses testimony for so long before you have to gain your own. I think I skated for a really long time. Little by little I am gaining a strong unshakable testimony in many things. I have always had the basis and as I experience and study different parts of the gospel really jump out at me. Anyway random tangent.

As the week progressed I was thankful Justin was feeling better and then on thursday Jacob spent a good part of the day crying and I knew I was in for another round of sickness. He woke up Friday in the early morning and the poor kid was so stuffed up he couldn't sleep. He got up and seemed to be feeling a little better but his whole head was stopped up. He went to his Grandma's to play and she called me and said his neck was swollen and maybe since it was Friday I should take hime to the clinic so I did. The glands in his neck are huge. He can't hardly talk because his throat is so swollen he can't breath because his head is so plugged. He is just miserable. Saturday night was a little better than Friday and we are hoping tonight will be a little better than last. Coop sounds a little congested but we are hoping and praying that he is not in for the same misery Jacob has suffered over the last few days. So today is Sunday and Grandpa stayed home with the kids so chey and I could go teach our lesson (thanks Grandpa). Here is a picture of our sick little boy. You can see the glands in his neck poking out :( poor baby!

I am truly hoping for a better week, Thankful though that it wasn't worse, and so ready for some warmer weather to hopefully get rid of the winter BUGS!

Oh ya on Saturday a family came over for me to do some maternity pictures, it was fun and I got some good shots. I am so critical of myself and was a little disappointed that I didn't get more but I definitely got SOME good ones. Here are two of my faves.


Anonymous said...

Poor boy! His neck looks terrible....I'll be glad when winter is over as well. Those pics of the Kennington's are so cute!

Neika Boulter said...

Oh fun week! I'm sick of germs too. The prego pics look great!

Jen said...

Okay Amy girl, I re-invited you! :)

The Zieglers said...

Super cute pictures! Your poor sick family! I am so ready for summer so we can hang out at the park!